Package Delivery Delays at the Border [] La Conexion — Mail Services
News Category: News and General Discussion
Published April 8, 2021
Dear La Conexion clients,
We understand the anxiety our delays must have caused you and we are very sorry for all the inconvenience in this past month.
La Conexion package service volume increased to the point where we could ship merchandise as consolidated freight using a big truck. Without any warning, new procedures are being implemented at the international border by the Mexican president, Manuel Lopez Obrador. To avoid confiscation of our large shipment in March we held it on the United States side waiting for new procedures to be implemented. These packages are not lost, and you will be receiving them as soon as we get a green light. We wish we could give you an ETA, but at this point we do not want to give you false information.
For those of you who have urgency with the merchandise that was received in our office in the month of March please contact me about it to make new arrangements.
The good news is that we are currently able to process our own small shipments on a daily basis and you will see our regular service of 10 business deliveries.
Imagine all the changes we have had to endure over the past 30 years. To tell you the truth, we have actually become stronger with these changes. In your heart know that we are always working hard to provide a fast service with high integrity.
We really appreciate your patience and understanding.
Leslie von Drashek / Customer Service Manager / +52 1 (415) 167 0847
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