New Basic Communications Course [] Warren Hardy Spanish Classes

News Category: News and General Discussion

  • Published December 10, 2021

    Queridos estudiantes y amigos,

    After suggestions from students I recently filmed a new series of videos.  I am excited to share this with you.  The course is called Basic Communications and it contains the same content that is taught in the classroom course.

    The Basic Communications series, which is taught in four 20 minute lessons, teaches all the words and phrases you need to get by as a tourist. You will learn greetings, polite words, defensive language, how to express your likes and dislikes, how to find the restroom, how to take a taxi, how to give directions and vocabulary around money.

    You will learn how to get a table and order in a restaurant, all the restaurant vocabulary, foods and beverages. You will learn how to introduce yourself, learn to give  directions, make a phone call and leave your name and number. You will learn to tell time, the days of the week, months, and numbers 1 to 1000.

    You will probably know a lot of this vocabulary.  If you do, use this course to review what you do know, work on your pronunciation, and build more vocabulary.  You always need to practice numbers!

    So click on this link below and go to the website for more information and to get this course.

    When you enter the community you will want to have the basics mastered.

    Un Abrazo Grande


    If you are an adult learner this Spanish course is designed specifically for you. As you know you learn differently now than when you were younger. My programs teach you to express yourself with confidence no matter what your age, and you will actually have fun learning Spanish. – Warren Hardy

    Teaching Method

    We use two distinctive teaching Methods. One is for teaching the grammatical foundation of Spanish and the other is for developing conversational skills.

    In the Warren Hardy Method (grammar foundation) you work with a partner of matched skill level in timed exercises called games. You never answer or perform in front of the class, only to your partner. During the games, you take turns delivering and receiving cues from your partner. You use flashcards and WorkBooks as learning tools during the games. The Warren Hardy Method uses a “cross-training” modality that develops both reading/writing and speaking/understanding skills simultaneously. Warren Hardy helps you set your classroom anxiety aside. You never answer or perform in front of the class, only to your partner.

    • Each level takes 2 ½ weeks to complete
    • Students study three days a week: M, W, F or T, Th, S from 9 to 12 am
    • There is a 15 minute coffee break at 10:30
    • There is approximately one hour of homework for each classroom hour. You can work at home with audios that are recorded directly from the WorkBooks

    In the Skill Development Method you learn through activities both in the classroom and in the streets of San Miguel de Allende. Take the knowledge from the Foundation course and apply it to mastering life in San Miguel. Classroom activities include role plays and guided conversations from readings. As you move through the Conversation courses you will learn to live in Mexico with confidence, tell stories, read and discuss Mexican history,legends, literature and politics. Register early, these classes fill up in advance.

    • Students study three days a week: M,W,F or T,Th,S
    • Two hours per class
    • Each level takes 2 ½ weeks to complete
    • Class limit 10 students