Traditional favorite with a Mexican piña twist!

News Category: News and Food and Drink

  • Published September 25, 2024

    Every Christmas, I wait for homemade cookies and other favorites, like a succulent turkey filled with stuffing baking in the oven or a classic Christmas pudding brimming with hard sauce. And it’s about this time of year too, when my taste buds have been starving for about nine months, that I ask myself: why? Why do we savor these delicacies only once a year, when we can enjoy them any time we choose?

    I guess it’s the time of year that makes these foods so special. The celebration of a very special birthday, one that changed the world. The family-friend get-togethers, the parties to celebrate the holiday, even the season of the year. Having grown up in Western Pennsylvania, where it often snowed on Christmas, the association between winter and Christmas was deep. The two went together like, well, love and marriage.

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