The traditional dishes of the region that are the culinary heritage of Guanajuato.

News Category: News and Food and Drink

  • Published July 25th, 2021

    Corn gorditas, ranch chicken broth, quelites and verdolagas, among other dishes that are accompanied with flavored waters of xoconostle, garambullo, borrachita, aloe with pineapple, alfalfa, hibiscus, and oats, with ingredients that many traditional cooks usually collect in the field to prepare in their homes, are the culinary heritage of the state of Guanajuato, which is preserved and promoted through various events, one of them is the “VII Hñahñu culinary sample”, which concluded successfully last weekend in the Plaza Comunitaria de El Llanito of the Pueblo Mágico de Dolores Hidalgo C. I.N.

    The enhancement of traditional cuisine promotes opportunities for development and economic sustenance in the communities; in addition, it rescues culinary recipes and gives visitors a ‘taste’ of the gastronomic heritage of the entity.

    Some 11 traditional cooks participated in the event, offering ancestral dishes, which were prepared with products from the cornfield, vegetable garden, and collection of wild products from their environment.

    The cooks in charge of adding “flavor” to the event were: Feliciana Díaz, Lazara Sánchez Mejía, Rosa Anastasia Rangel, Cristina Vázquez Mejía, Eusebia Godínez Ramírez, Sofía Balderas Beltrán, Adriana Camarillo Meza, María Isabel Gómez, Susana Perales, Marta Godínez and Gloria Vázquez Sánchez.

    And, the delicious traditional dishes they prepared were: shredded tostadas accompanied by quelites, chickpeas, and nopales; tostada with vitualla accompanied by mole; bean burrito, magueyera rat broth, the traditional capon broth, stewed green beans, corn soup, the famous ceremonial tortillas.

    As well as gorditas of black corn, red corn, black corn, and white corn, and ranch chicken broth; these dishes were accompanied with flavored waters of xoconostle, garambullo, borrachita, aloe vera with pineapple, alfalfa, hibiscus, and oatmeal.

    This year, “Hñahñu” was enriched with the participation of the University of Guanajuato and the Casa de la Cultura, who provided a cultural display of dance, theater, and music.

    The entire program was enjoyed by attendees from Dolores Hidalgo, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato Capital, Celaya, Valle de Santiago, Salamanca, San José Iturbide and San Luis de la Paz; as well as from Jalisco, Querétaro and San Luis Potosí.