Don Day: “These tapas are better than any I’ve ever had in Spain” [] Etapas Restaurante

News Category: News and Food and Drink

  • Published March 15, 2023

    My friend Therese said that. And my friend Therese is usually a little shy with her compliments.

    I wouldn’t go as far as Therese with my praise but I will say that the tapas were very different from what I’ve traditionally had in Spain.

    The occasion was Therese, Don Day’s Wife and I’s first ever visit to the recently opened Etapas, The Spanish restaurant is in a simple but charming three storey house on Jesus that’s been home to at least five restaurants in my memory. Though I’d eaten in the building a couple of times, it was the first time I’d ventured up to the third floor terrace, to what the restaurant calls Terraza Dali.

    The furnishings are a bit haphazard but I’m guessing that’s just the result of using leftovers and skimping a little on start-up costs. There is a bit of a view but it takes a bit of head-bending to take it in.

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