Delicious chilaquiles recipes

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News Category: News and Food and Drink

  • Reinvent Mexico’s classic breakfast with these delicious chilaquiles recipes

    Published June 22, 2024

    Normally, I’d preface the recipe with a long story about the history of the dish we’re about to make, but I was inspired by Google’s daily doodle to write this particular piece. So, instead of a history lesson, I just want to share my favorite, alternative recipe for the powerhouse of a dish that is chilaquiles.

    Chilaquiles is a top tier breakfast/brunch dish in which you, on purpose, make your tortilla chips soggy with salsa in the pan before adding the finishing touches. Chilaquiles are such a ubiquitous dish in Mexico yet often misunderstood in other parts of the world. I’m very happy to see this dish finally gaining some steam. Let’s get soggy!

    Bonus recipe for my favorite plate-finisher, candied jalapenos, otherwise known as cowboy candy. Trust me, you’re going to want this in your cooking arsenal.

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