Cheap, fast and oh so satisfying: a guide to Mexico’s street food
News Category: News and Food and Drink
Discover the wide variety of affordable, quick meals that Mexicans eat on the go
Published May 21, 2022
When I made my first trip to Mexico — way back in 1997 — friends who had been there before warned me about eating street food.
They’d tell me horror stories about what happened to them or someone they knew when they ate food sold on the street, stories that were usually accompanied by overly colorful descriptions. I’m sure they were trying to be helpful, but they kept me from eating anything sold from a cart.
What a mistake.
Street food is really just homemade food that’s very tasty and extremely cheap. I now eat it pretty often and have never gotten sick.
Every pueblo and city in Mexico has people selling food from carts, small stands or baskets attached to their bicycles. There are also taquerías and even front rooms in homes that have been converted to tiny street food restaurants. There are lots of options, too many to cover in one article, but here’s a sampling.
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