With the PAN majority and ‘a modo’ they approve ‘eternizar’ councilors and the beginning to privatize the water of SMA
News Category: News, Announcements, and Community News
Published September 10th, 2021
With 9 votes in favor of the PAN and 3 “a modo” councilmen (Olvera, Campos, and Romo), the reforms to the internal regulations of the San Miguel de Allende Potable Water and Sewage System (Sapasma) were approved, which will allow the PAN members to “eternalize” their Councilors, take away the powers of the next Mayor to make decisions about the agency and thus begin to modify articles that will lead them to privatize water.
The reform to the internal regulations of the agency was analyzed, advised, planned, and changed by the current federal deputy, Ricardo Villarreal (brother of the mayor on leave, Luis Alberto Villarreal) with the help of Luis Manuel Orozco Arroyo, Secretary of City Hall, advisor to the current government and former pupil of the late lawyer Ignacio Reyes Retana, who with alleged trickery, “took” from the University of Guanajuato the Beckmann house on the corner of Hernandez Macias and Pila Seca, which ended up in the hands of Ilda Ledesma Martinez, the partner of the current PAN councilman, Pavel Hernandez (now agent L005 in Los Cabos, Baja California, where apparently he will now dedicate himself to selling houses).
At the beginning of the session, the independent alderman, Helio Bastién, asked that the proposal with item 8_B referring to the reforms of the regulations of the operating agency be lowered saying:
“We should not downplay the importance of the decisions to be made about the water operating agency and allow those who currently make up the Sapasma board to ‘eternalize’ themselves at the whim of political, partisan, and private interests. This City Council should not abuse its power by humiliating its people, its citizens, because power ends and the memory lasts”.
Councilman Helio Bastién during the City Council session in which they approved to modify the water regulations.When the interim Gonzalo put it to the consideration of the rest of the council members, the majority asked that it be continued, only Helio Bastién, Laura González, and María Elena Vázquez supported taking out the point where they would approve changing the regulation…
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