Why isn’t San Miguel de Allende a “Magic Town?”

  • efrain

News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published May 19, 2024

    by Efrain Gonzales

    It is no secret that Mexico is a country steeped in mysticism and adventure. From coast to coast it is possible to uncover ancient ruins and the tantalizing stories that accompany them. But, did you know that Mexico is also home to 132 pueblos mágicos or magical towns as they are known in English. These sacred towns have been selected due to their unforgettable place in Mexican culture and for the enchanting myths and legends that originate there. Selected by the government, these towns preserve the folklore and ancient ways of Mexico and are a must-see for any traveler hungry for an adventure and unique cultural experience.

    But why San Miguel de Allende is NOT on the list of Pueblo Magico “Magical Town”

    San Miguel de Allende is one of the most important cities in Guanajuato, as it offers a wide variety of cultural attractions that everyone loves.

    The municipality of San Miguel de Allende is one of the most important for tourism in Guanajuato, since in 2023 alone this city received 2 million 055 thousand 981 visitors, a figure that broke a record and marked history by being the best year. .

    In addition, San Miguel de Allende has been the winner of multiple awards such as: First place as the best city in the world in the world ranking, Number one city in Mexico, Central and South America, Award for best practices of local governments in tourism, Best small city in the world, Best Wedding Destination, awards that have been repeated on several occasions.

    San Miguel de Allende is a city that manages to be picturesque and cosmopolitan at the same time, its historic center is full of well-preserved buildings dating from the 17th and 18th centuries. With its narrow cobblestone streets, tree-lined courtyards, fine architectural details and sumptuous interiors, San Miguel de Allende is, without a doubt, the most beautiful city in Mexico.

    Previously, the list of magical towns in the country was 132, but as of June 2023, the Secretary Tourism of Mexico (SecTur) published the name of 45 towns that were added to this list, after they met the established requirements. in the “Call for the Appointment of Magical Towns 2023.

    Then, why is San Miguel de Allende not a Magical Town?

    This beautiful city, before 2008 was one of the Pueblo Magicos “Magical Towns” of Guanajuato, however, in that year, San Miguel de Allende was named by UNESCO as a World Heritage city, so the government that at that time was in charge The command of the state of Guanajuato decided to stop participating in that program to focus fully on the requirements of UNESCO and preserve its title.

    According to the federal government, UNESCO named San Miguel de Allende, and the surrounding Sanctuary of Jesús de Atotonilco (Church of Atotonilco), a World Heritage Site, citing the religious architecture and civil architecture of the town as an example of the evolution of the different trends and styles, from the Baroque to the Neo-Gothic of the late 19th century. Known as Mexico’s Sistine Chapel, this vitally important church in the hamlet of Atotonilco, 11km north of San Miguel, is defined by its connection to the independence struggle, which has made it an important icon for the people of Mexico.

    Mexico has 33 sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list: 27 cultural assets, 5 natural and one mixed. Worldwide, it occupies fifth place with the largest number of sites registered on this list, and first place in Latin America.

    Written by; Efrain Gonzalez
    Photo by; Efrain Gonzalez

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