(Video) Locos Parade, 2023 [] Javi & Todd

News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published June 22, 2023

    Javi and I went to the Locos parade, a San Miguel tradition in honor of San Antonio de Padua. It’s a wild spectacle of colors and costumes, candy and kids, and dancing till you drop! This tradition is born from the dance of the hortelanos, which was danced in honor of San Isidro Labrador and San Pascual Baylón.

    Because people gathered to see the dance and were not allowed to dance, men dressed as scarecrows began to be included in it, to scare the curious, so that they would open space for the dance; these characters began to be called “crazy”. Already by the 19th century, the costume of the madman evolved into colorful clown costumes, with panties and cardboard or wooden masks. At present the costumes are as varied as the imagination allows.