Unusual earthquakes in Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí; supervision tours conducted

News Category: News, Announcements, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published September 6th, 2021

    The National Seismological Service recorded early Saturday morning a 4.5 earthquake north of San Felipe, Guanajuato, and Cuerámaro. The time of the quake: 4:38 in the morning.

    Through the networks, users shared that they felt the earthquake when they felt the earth move, as well as the movement of their doors and windows.

    This is how the Cuerámaro earthquake was recorded.

    As a result of the earthquake registered early this morning, the networks shared how the statue of Marquez de Jaral, at the top of the Ex-Hacienda de Jaral de Berrios, fractured.

    The movement caused it to fracture and detach, falling into the void and breaking in two, leaving it lying on the public road.

    The statue, which dates from the 17th century, is located in the central part of the roof of the former hacienda.

    El Otro Enfoque reports cracks in hills and roads in Cuerámaro and San Felipe.

    In the cities of Silao and Leon, they also report that they felt the seismic movement.

    San Felipe Torres Mochas, where the epicenter was registered, IS NOT A SEISMIC ZONE, which is why this tremor calls the attention of the emergency systems.

    The Civil Protection Department of San Felipe indicates through their networks that they have been in communication with federal and state authorities and that they are conducting continuous surveys in the area of Valle de Jaral.
    Through the page Climate Change World they report that the earthquake in San Felipe was not the only one, but this weekend 5 other earthquakes were registered in areas considered as unusual, where no damage was reported in any of these places.

    The earthquakes were registered in:

      • The first quake that occurred yesterday was in Guaymas Sonora, Mexico.
        Magnitude 3.9. Depth 20 kilometers. Time: 9:06 a.m. (3 September 2021)
      • The second earthquake occurred yesterday in Allende, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Magnitude 3.5.
        Time: 12:04 p.m. (3 September 2021)
      • The third earthquake occurred in Allende, Nuevo Leon. Magnitude 3.7
        Depth 5 kilometers. Time: 12:04 p.m. (3 September 2021)
      • The fourth earthquake occurred in Cienegas Flores, Nuevo Leon. Magnitude 3.6. Depth 5 kilometers. TIME: 3:46 p.m. (September 3, 2021)
      • The fifth earthquake occurred in San Felipe, Guanajuato. Magnitude 4.5
        Depth 5 kilometers. Time: 4:38 a.m. (4 September 2021)
      • The sixth earthquake occurred in San Luis Potosi. Magnitude 4.3. Depth 5 kilometers. Hour: 5:35 a.m. September 4, 2021.
      • The Guanajuato and San Luis Potosi earthquakes occurred with a difference of one hour today at dawn.