The second edition of Festizarte 2021 comes to San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News, Art News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published September 14th, 2021

    The art and traditions of the city were captured in the ‘Festizarte 2021, Second Madonnari Festival’. This contest of 17 works of art, made with chalk pastel on wood, took place during the weekend in the historic center.

    Through this form of expression, several local traditions were shown, both religious and civic, with the festive color, solemnity and even drama of local rituals, as well as the expressive realism that was captured in human faces and that is the living expression of the people of San Miguel.

    At the awards ceremony, the municipal president, Jesús Gonzalo González, highlighted the talent of the competitors and boasted it as an example for which San Miguel de Allende reaffirmed its international recognition as the ‘Most Beautiful City in the World’.

    “San Miguel is light, color, it is made of art, culture. These are days of national holidays and you contributed to San Miguel being the Best City in the World. We feel very proud. San Miguel de Allende is your home,” said the mayor, who also offered that all the works of this contest could be exhibited inside the Municipal Palace, to the delight of San Miguel residents, tourists and visitors.

    Festizarte’ in its second edition was won by the Madonnari of Acámbaro, Refugio Felipe Ugalde Maldonado, who artistically traced the work: “Devotion to the Lord of the Conquest”, which is one of the most popular religious images among the Sanmiguelenses; the second place and the prize of the public was for “Fiesta! Tradiciones San Miguel de Allende” by Santiago Rivera and third place went to Cruz Abraham Hernández Cervantes with his work “Los Locos Somos otro Cosmos”.

    This festival also had the participation and competition of children’s artists, highlighting the watercolor paintings of Johana Itzel Gallegos in the first place, Regina Chavez in the second place, and Angel Ariel Perez Guerrero in the third position; Isabela Hernandez was also recognized by the Audience Award.

    The ‘Festizarte 2021, Second Madonnari Festival’ counted with the participation of artists from San Miguel, from different municipalities of Guanajuato and states of the Mexican Republic, even from other countries such as Colombia.

    During this Saturday, September 11, and Sunday, September 12, the artists worked their vision in this plastic technique inside the Municipal Palace, sponsored by the company ‘Comex’ and supported by the civil association ‘Banco de Alimentos’.