The Circumcision of Jesus [] The History of Art in San Miguel

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News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published August 18, 2024

    by Natalie Taylor

    A curious painting in Las Monjas is a depiction of the Circumcision of Jesus. Why that theme in a Catholic church? Is this not one of the major divisive factors highlighting the difference between Jews and Christians?

    Two works of art in Las Monjas church were done by Juan Rodriguez Juarez, one of the most prominent novo-Hispanic artists of the Baroque period. Born in Mexico City in 1675, Juarez came from a family of painters who had gained notoriety in Spain. He became known for religious art, and for portraits of noblemen and high officials, following established European patterns such as symbols of rank and wealth in furnishings, and surroundings.

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    Un cuadro curioso en Las Monjas es la representación de la Circuncisión de Jesús. ¿Por qué eso en una iglesia católica? ¿No es este uno de los principales factores de división que resaltan la diferencia entre judíos y cristianos?


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