The eco center restoring the countryside and helping Guanajuato communities

  • tikkun

News Category: News, Community News, and Non Profits

  • Published August 29, 2024

    In the countryside of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, an ancient Jewish tenet guides a modern mission. The Talmudic concept of ”tikkun olam” — Hebrew for “repairing the world” — is a calling to reconnect our souls and spirits and to engage in social and ecological action to mend the damage inflicted on the world.

    With this ideal as their foundation, Tikkun Eco Center is committed to community service for environmental restoration. They empower farming communities by reversing desertification, restoring water and food security and transforming barren areas into abundant, thriving ecosystems.

    A delightful visit to Tikkun Eco Center for this article was made even more special by the company and guidance of environment enthusiasts Herb and Sally Silver, dear friends of mine. As we drove into the center, the sharp contrast in the landscape was breathtaking. The arid, scrubby terrain we had been navigating suddenly enveloped us in a lush jungle full of organic food, otherwise known as a “food forest.”

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    Tikkun is a non-profit center of ecology located in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Our work is to promote, demonstrate and teach systems of ecological sustainability to create regional and community food and water resilience. Our focus is on intensive polyculture, rainwater harvesting, reforestation and soil regeneration. These are the essential strategies for sustainability in dryland communities facing climate crisis.

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