The 210th anniversary of the death of Ignacio de Allende y Unzaga is commmorated in a pubic civic act

News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published June 27th, 2021

    Gonzalo González Rodríguez wants the people of San Miguel to be the “new heroes and forgers of the Nation”.

    “We became independent of Spain. Let us become independent, now, from the great evils of our Mexico: inequality, injustice, poverty, and marginalization,” said the municipal president.

    This is how he harangued in his message during the commemoration of the 210th anniversary of the death of Ignacio María José de Allende y Unzaga. With this civic act, which took place in the kiosk of the Jardín Principal, public events were reactivated, after almost 15 months of the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Accompanied by the Secretary of Government and City Hall, Luisa María Granados Saldaña, and the City Councilors, Felipe Tapia, Patricia Villa and Helio Bastién; as well as the Director of Culture and Traditions, Paulina Cadena, the President addressed an emotional message to the citizens.

    In reference to Ignacio Allende, González Rodríguez said, “Today it is our turn to act, to be the new heroes and forgers of the Nation in our daily work, in favor of the highest ideals of the Homeland.”

    “Now it is necessary that we conquer the recognition of the future for our conduct in the present. Ignacio Allende fulfilled his duty in the great struggles of the past, but we must honor his legacy and take the part that corresponds to us in the great struggles of the present”.

    He recalled that freedom for Mexico and all Mexicans was conquered by Allende together with other great heroes of the Nation and that “it cannot be effective, it cannot benefit us, as long as we do not build a generous homeland for all. We gained independence from Spain; let us gain independence, now, from the great evils of our Mexico: inequality, injustice, poverty and marginalization”.

    His call was clear: “Sanmiguelenses: We were bold, so let us be bold now, joining all our forces to consolidate the San Miguel de la Gente that we all want and dream of. We created a Homeland. Let us now create the best city to live in”, he expressed.

    On June 26, 1811, after more than three months of martyrdom, the heroes of the Independence, Ignacio Allende, Juan Aldama, Mariano Jiménez and Manuel Santamaría were executed. In their memory, a wreath was placed in the Allende House Museum, located next to the San Miguel Arcángel Parish.