Support LGBT+ Pride March for San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News and Community NewsNews Tags: lgbt and pride

  • Published June 28, 2024

    Dear friends and allies,

    We write to you with great enthusiasm and hope, in anticipation of the celebration of the 2024 SMA Pride March, which will take place on July 13, 2024. The march aims to celebrate the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities , and vindicate the dignity of all people, especially those whose sexualities have been historically repressed and discriminated against.

    This year, more than ever, we need your support to make this march a memorable and meaningful event. That is why we are requesting your generous contribution in the form of donations. All donations received will be used to cover the expenses associated with the organization of the event, such as logistics and promotion, among other aspects fundamental to its success.

    To facilitate the donation process, we have enabled direct transfers through the website of the Center for Adolescents of San Miguel de Allende AC, our coordinating organization. We invite you to visit our website to make your contribution. Every donation, regardless of size, will contribute significantly to the completion of this march and our common goal of moving towards a more inclusive and just society.

    Furthermore, we would be very pleased to have your presence during the march. Your physical and moral support is invaluable to us and to all members of our community.

    We thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity. Together, we can make the 2024 SMA Pride March an extraordinary event that inspires change, empowerment and respect for diversity.

    With hope and gratitude,


    SMA 2024 Pride March Organization Committee

    For more information, please contact:

    Nora Garibaldi, Colectivo Colores SMA

    55 2342 0068

    Follow us on our social networks for more information:

    Facebook: @ColectivoColoresSMA

    Instagram: @Colectivo_Colores_SMA

    Estimadx amigx y aliadx,

    Nos dirigimos a usted con gran entusiasmo y esperanza, en anticipación a la celebración de la Marcha del Orgullo SMA 2024, que se llevará a cabo el 13 de julio de 2024. La marcha tiene como objetivo celebrar la diversidad de orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género, y reivindicar la dignidad de todas las personas, especialmente aquellas cuyas sexualidades han sido históricamente reprimidas y discriminadas.

    En este año, más que nunca, necesitamos contar con su apoyo para hacer de esta marcha un evento memorable y significativo. Es por ello que estamos solicitando su generosa contribución en forma de donaciones. Todas las donaciones recibidas serán utilizadas para cubrir los gastos asociados con la organización del evento, como la logística y la promoción, entre otros aspectos fundamentales para su éxito.

    Para facilitar el proceso de donación, hemos habilitado transferencias directas a través de la página web del Centro para los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende A.C., nuestra organización coordinadora. Les invitamos a visitar nuestro sitio web para realizar su aporte. Cada donación, sin importar el tamaño, contribuirá significativamente a la realización de esta marcha y a nuestro objetivo común de avanzar hacia una sociedad más inclusiva y justa.

    Además, nos complacería enormemente contar con su presencia durante la marcha. Su apoyo físico y moral es invaluable para nosotrxs y para todxs lxs miembrxs de nuestra comunidad.

    Agradecemos de antemano su consideración y su generosidad. Juntes, podemos hacer de la Marcha del Orgullo SMA 2024 un evento extraordinario que inspire cambio, empoderamiento y respeto por la diversidad.

    Con esperanza y gratitud,


    Comité de Organización de la Marcha del Orgullo SMA 2024

    We are a dynamic, entrepreneurial nonprofit working creatively to promote human rights. Each year, CASA services performs outreach to tens of thousands of Mexican people. Established in 1981, CASA is based in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Our mission is to promote and teach skills that result in heightened empowerment, gender equality and self-sufficiency for both individuals and families. We seek to elevate the quality of life for all underserved Mexican people. Through multiple anddynamic services, CASA works to address the needs of our community and the surrounding area