SSG authorizes the opening of cemeteries on November 1st and 2nd.
News Category: News, Announcements, and Community News
The Ministry of Health of Guanajuato through the General Directorate of Protection against Health Risks authorized the opening of cemeteries at 70% of their capacity this November 1 and 2.
This is according to the epidemic outlook that Guanajuato has according to covid-19 infections and deaths, which is located in yellow traffic light.
This was informed this morning by Dr. Luis Carlos Zúñiga Durán, director of this department, however, it will be better to avoid minors, elderly or people with any comorbidity.
This provision is for the 46 municipalities that make up the state, and according to each municipality, each locality could take criteria from the local level, to ensure the health of the people of Guanajuato.
Zúñiga Durán added that this opening was possible thanks to the fact that Guanajuato now has a yellow traffic light with no alert.
He warned the people of Guanajuato that they must continue to appeal to hygienic measures to avoid a reoccurrence.
He continued exhorting citizens that these openings should be orderly and responsible, complying with measures such as the use of masks, keeping a healthy distance, avoiding closed places without ventilation, and the correct and frequent washing of hands.
He recommended to appeal for the social bubble, that is to say, to visit the graves without causing disturbances and only with family members, without visiting the cemetery out of mere curiosity.
He pointed out that it is important not to visit cemeteries with minors, elderly people, or patients with any comorbidity in order to avoid possible contagion.
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