September 25 is Rabies Vaccination Day in Guanajuato.

News Category: News, Announcements, and Community News

  • Published September 15th, 2021

    Don’t forget that the Canine Rabies Vaccination Day starts this Sunday and will last until September 25.

    At least 800 thousand doses of rabies vaccines will be applied to dogs and cats in the 46 municipalities of the State to achieve 100% coverage of the stipulated goal.

    The Secretary of Health, Daniel Diaz Martinez informed that since 1990, canine rabies vaccination ceased to be a routine action to become an intensive and free massive activity, known today as the “National Canine Rabies Vaccination Day”.

    Its purpose is to vaccinate a greater number of dogs and cats in a short period of time, thus favoring the absence of rabies cases in these animals in the state since 1998.

    On the other hand, this vaccination day is important to achieve a positive impact, since it has reduced the number of cases of rabies in dogs in the months of April and May when this disease was “traditionally” present in the country.

    The absence of cases of this disease in the State indicates that this strategy must be maintained and reinforced since it is a strategy that ensures protection against rabies in dog and cat populations; thus preventing these animals from transmitting rabies to humans and consequently preventing humans from getting sick and dying from rabies.

    For this 2021, Diaz Martinez explained, more than 800 vaccination posts will be located in the Health Centers, as well as more than 1,200 brigades that will make house-to-house visits in hard-to-reach places to ensure that this service benefits the entire population of Guanajuato.

    It is very important to point out that the participation of all citizens taking their dog or cat to be vaccinated is very important. When their pet is vaccinated, they will be given a vaccination certificate which they should keep as proof of vaccination.

    Since 1992 there has been no case of human rabies in Guanajuato.

    Dogs and cats are vaccinated exclusively, no other species; and they can be vaccinated from one month of age and annual revaccination, pregnant animals are also vaccinated and it is not necessary to bathe them before or after the application.

    You must wear masks and only the person who will vaccinate the pet must attend to avoid crowds, keep a healthy distance.

    You should avoid going in case of presenting symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 or having presented them in the last 14 days (fever higher than 38°C, dry cough, sore throat, headache, loss of sense of smell or taste, respiratory difficulty, general body discomfort, diarrhea, etc); you can take your pet to another person to be vaccinated.