San Miguel brings Internet to remote rural schools
News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA
Prioritizing the facilities with the greatest communication needs, the municipal government of San Miguel de Allende, by order of President Mauricio Trejo, is moving forward in bringing the internet to more rural schools.
To serve the most unprotected communities, the Directorate of Culture and Traditions has located the most remote academic institutions to support education with this technological service.
“Of course, the children in the schools are very happy, the young people (too) because we are serving elementary, middle, and high schools in rural communities. They are already using it, we have been checking. The school pays absolutely nothing,” said Director Acacio Martínez.
A program is being carried out that will initially cover 50 schools, which is about to conclude its first stage, and Internet and telephone line services are being installed; both services are free of charge for the beneficiaries.
“This is going to be a support that will completely reinforce the educational resources. We are looking at those that need it the most, those that do not have it, where we can benefit more students and that is what we are currently doing,” added Martinez Rodriguez.
Due to the generalized affectation generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, education has required extraordinary efforts to combat the backwardness of knowledge in students, so that a school with the internet contributes to the students having more and better learning within their reach.
“There are already 42 communities in which we have installed free internet, first we will install it in 50 and then in another 50. Let’s go for 100 schools!” published the municipal president of the elementary school, Prof. Ernesto Guajardo Salinas, in the community of Jalpa.
Currently, the internet has reached public schools in 24 communities and several points of the urban area, such as the 511 telesecundaria and the Centro de Atención Múltiple (CAM) through the company Live! Telecom in areas with less signal coverage.
Inside the schools, polygons of transmission antennas and data repeaters are placed, covering all classrooms and administrative spaces in these schools.
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