Special Guest: President Elect Mauricio Trejo [] Rotary Club – Rotario Midday, A.C.
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On Tuesday, September 7, Mauricio Trejo spoke to the Midday Rotary Club. The Municipal President-Elect discussed his plans for improving security, dealing with water & infrastructure issues, as well as rebuilding the economy of San Miguel during the COVID pandemic.
Born in Michoacán, Trejo came to San Miguel as a young man, became successful when he opened CableVision in this growing town. He built the present MegaCable building almost 20 years ago, before selling the business when he entered politics. In 2012, he was elected Mayor —serving for 3 years. He then returned to business, & established a vineyard just outside of town.
Trejo decided to return to politics last year after his 3 daughters had reached adolescence—explaining that he wanted them to grow up in a “safe environment.” On June 6, after a hard-fought two-month campaign, he defeated incumbent Mayor Luis Alberto Villarreal by almost 2,500 votes (or 3%). Trejo will be sworn into office on October 10, and will immediately confront a long list of difficult issues.
For more information, contact Club President Skip Essick at skipessickmedia@gmail.com
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