Rehabilitation of roads in the most vulnerable neighborhoods and communities begins

News Category: News, Announcements, Community News, General Discussion, and People of SMA

  • Published November 27th, 2021

    In response to the needs of the people of San Miguel, the municipal government officially began the rehabilitation of roads in neighborhoods and communities, prioritizing the most vulnerable population of the San Miguel territory.

    “We are already starting the repair of roads and giving priority to all of them who are the neighbors of the neediest neighborhoods; Loma Blanca is a point that has not been attended as God commands and that road we are going to have it, the main one, with seal and everything. And so we are going to go to your neighborhood and then to the next one and then to the next one… We are going to work hard for three years”, said the municipal president Mauricio Trejo in front of the neighbors of said neighborhood.

    Following these instructions, the Directorate of Infrastructure and Public Works intervened on the main road to this town and Primero de Mayo Street, to improve the mobility of people and their vehicles.

    This dirt road is very deteriorated mainly due to the lack of maintenance for several years and the constant passage of heavy freight traffic, which prevents traffic in the area by having large potholes, which generated problems of waterlogging during this rainy season, in addition to water runoff that crosses this road.

    In addition to these problems, for years the clandestine dumping of rubble along this road has been neglected, causing a poor urban image and unsafe areas for passers-by.

    These affectations were exposed to the municipal president during his electoral campaign, so since November 12 the topographic works began and the mayor formalized this Friday the start of this public work and of those that will come later in different critical points of the municipality.

    The 1.7 kilometers long and 10 meters wide main road of Loma Blanca, to the west of the urban area, will have a lining and compensation in low areas, with inert bank material, with laying and compacting of the surface. Regarding the clandestine rubble dump, loading and hauling will be done to clean up the affected areas.