Peaceful march against animal abuse takes place in San Miguel de Allende
News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA
With the support of approximately 300 people, there was a peaceful march against animal abuse in San Miguel de Allende. This march that left from the parking lot of Plaza La Luciérnaga towards the offices of the Subprocuraduría de Justicia de la Región “D”, ended with a demonstration to demand justice for the death of Alpha, the Husky dog, who was allegedly dismembered by a man inhabitant of Villas de Los Frailes last July 28th.
The march started at 5:00 pm was organized by the Patitas de Humanidad Association, in support of Alpha’s owners and with the purpose of asking the ministerial authorities not to ignore this case. Shouting slogans and carrying placards with texts like: “justice for Alpha”, “Miguel Angel murderer and psychopath #1”, “justice for all the Alphas that you killed”; besides showing the images of other dogs, that in their moment were also victims of Miguel Angel.
However, during the demonstration it was also said that in recent months in Villa de Los Frailes and near Miguel Angel’s property, more than 60 dogs have died from poisoning, a situation that is also attributed to this guy. On the other hand, not only Alpha’s owners showed up at this march, but also at least 4 other pet owners who were previously beaten or killed by Miguel Angel.
The teenager Jonhy, owner of Kova, another dog killed by Miguel Angel, gave his testimony, explaining that he and his pet were walking along the Rivera de la Presa Allende, near Miguel’s house when this man without saying a word shot Kova with a BB gun, in addition to hitting him with a golf club until he was dead. All this in front of Jonhy.
At the end of the demonstration, Elías Huerta, owner of Alpha, said that they are already waiting for a date to go to the judge and be able to formulate the indictment, having found sufficient evidence linking Miguel Ángel to the death of the Husky. “We hope that this will be next week and not only that, we hope that during the process more cases like this can be added (…). We want this to also reach Congress so that legislation is passed, we do not want this and other cases to go unpunished; we want Miguel Angel Araiza out of San Miguel de Allende”.
Elías Huerta, who is also a lawyer, regretted that so far there is no prison sentence for those who mistreat animals in the State of Guanajuato, but he pointed out that since there is a reform that talks about the prosecution of up to 6 months to 2 years in prison for a person who mutilates, kills or abandons dogs in the street, he advocates that judges should apply the maximum penalty.
To conclude Margarita Guerrera, coordinator of the march and representative of “Patitas de Humanidad”, pointed out that this is just the beginning and that surely more demonstrations or peaceful marches will come, with the purpose of going against animal mistreatment. However, he invited all those pet owners who have suffered a case like Alpha’s, to denounce the facts in the Prosecutor’s Office. “This is where people have to come and it does not matter if they do not have enough evidence, but they have to make the complaint to create a precedent, in this and in any case. This is the beginning, but we will continue marching”.
Alpha, was detained by the owner of a property near the train tracks and the Allende Dam, where Alpha entered and assaulted some animals and allegedly a minor.
Miguel Angel, who detained the dog after the damages in his property on July 28th, indicating that he would hand over the dog to the authorities; however, it was not like that, since he later said that the Husky bit the leash with which he tied Alpha and during the early morning of July 29th, escaped. Consequently, Alpha’s owners found the animal in several pieces on the railroad track, in this way they pointed out Miguel as the alleged murderer of the pet, not believing the version of the accused.
After the fact was made known on social networks, some people denounced having been victims of the attitude of Miguel Angel, who has his property next to the Presa Allende, allegedly does not allow pedestrians to walk with their pets near the property and the dam. They also pointed out that this man already has two complaints about similar events, regarding the disappearance of pets that have approached his property.
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