Municipal government improves service to Sanmiguelenses

News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published December 29th, 2021

    With the new facilities of the Directorate of Citizen Attention, Tours, and Events, the municipal government improves its attention to the people of San Miguel.

    This municipal agency is now located in the traffic circle on Boulevard de Los Conspiradores S/N, between the Municipal Administrative Building and the Regional Prosecutor’s Office D, on the highway to Querétaro.

    There, it shares facilities with the Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Mujer (IMAM) and is in better condition to receive the Sanmiguelenses who require it.

    The aim of the municipal president Mauricio Trejo is that each person is attended with dignified treatment, quality, and warmth, which the current Public Administration promotes towards the citizens.

    All services provided by the Municipal Government, through Citizen Attention, Tours, and Events, are free of charge; with attention to the public, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.