Mexican Red Cross national collection begins; the goal is 15 million in Guanajuato
News Category: News and Community News
The Mexican Red Cross national collection 2021 will run from until November 2nd of this year, in which it expects to meet a goal of 15 million pesos in the State of Guanajuato.
In the event of a disaster or any situation that puts life or health at risk, people go to the Red Cross, and the same happens in case of an accident. For these services, the Institution needs to cover mobility expenses that are only possible with the support of the citizens, therefore, a call is made to the society to cooperate to the extent of their possibilities.
The State Delegate of the Mexican Red Cross in Guanajuato, Guillermo Franco Ciurana, said that for this year, donations will be sought through different mechanisms, and in some cases, it will be the traditional collection with security measures, the fixed collection at a table, and the voluntary donation in governmental, educational and business institutions.
In the government offices of the three levels of government, a collection will be made among the workers.
Through the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, we will seek to approach the student community of Basic, Middle, and High School Education, for the solidarity support of those who can offer it in the schools.
We will also look for the placement of piggy banks in companies to invite businessmen, visitors, customers, and workers to join in the solidarity contribution. With the Red Cross community, it will be sought that each element invites two people to make a donation and so on, as a kind of solidarity chain of donors.
In 2019, a collection of 15 million pesos was achieved; for 2020 the goal was 18 million pesos but was suspended due to the pandemic. For 2021, the goal is 15 million pesos, and the collection will be from September 2 to November 2 of this year.
Leticia Fernández, President of the local Delegation of San Miguel de Allende; María del Rosario Barbosa Orozco, State Coordinator of Volunteer Ladies of the Red Cross Guanajuato Delegation and Moisés Andrade Quezada, General Coordinator of Health Services of the Ministry of Health of the State of Guanajuato were present at the start of the collection.
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