Let your hair down! Festival de los Locos in San Miguel de Allende: origin and when is it held?

News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published May 31st, 2022

    If you thought it was impossible for Marvel superheroes, Mexican wrestlers, devils, skulls, clowns, Martians, mojigangas, and even politicians to coincide and interact in the same universe, you will be surprised to know that you can see them all together in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, in the so-called Festival de los Locos, Fiesta de Locos or Convite de Locos.

    In this Guanajuato city, considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, this festival of joy has been celebrated for four decades, where thousands of locals and visitors dress up in costumes and forget their sorrows for at least five hours.

    What is the origin of the Festival de los Locos in San Miguel de Allende?
    This original festivity is held in honor of San Antonio de Padua, also called the Saint of the Orchards, one of the most awaited events in San Miguel de Allende, for several decades.

    The parade has its antecedents in the Danza de los hortelanos, who danced in honor of San Isidro Labrador and San Pascual Bailón, but due to the crowding and the fact that people were not allowed to see or dance, men dressed as scarecrows were included in order to scare the curious, who began to be called “locos”.

    Over time, the costume of the locos evolved into colorful clown costumes with masks and bloomers.

    Who participates in the parade?
    Both residents of San Miguel de Allende and national and international visitors who are willing to dance to the rhythm of the music and waste energy during the Desfile de Los Locos can participate.

    When is the Fiesta de los Locos in San Miguel de Allende?
    This festival is held on the Sunday after June 13, the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, so this year it will be on June 19.

    During this carnival-like gathering, the participants throw candy to the children; when the parade through the main streets concludes, the “locos” return to the parish of San Antonio de Padua to dance during the afternoon.

    So now you know, get your costume or joy ready for the Festival de los Locos in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.