La Terraza was built in 1901 by Don Zeferino Gutiérrez, the author of the façade of the parish church.

News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published June 2nd, 2022

    La Terraza was built in 1901 by Don Zeferino Gutiérrez, the author of the façade of the San Miguel Arcángel Parish.

    Today we bring you the complete history of “La Terraza”, this building located next to the Parish in the Main Garden, and all the changes that the place has had through time.

    Its construction began in 1901, by Don Zeferino Gutierrez, the author of the facade of the Parish at the same time the tower of the Santa Escuela was built, and it is when the public clock arrived.

    It was made as the “Aldama Market”, even on the façade in the center is the date of its construction and the name. And it was known by the people simply as the “little flower market”.

    Later, due to the needs of the population, says the San Miguel chronicler “Luis Felipe Rodriguez”, it was dedicated to the “Hygiene Center”, which is where several photographs are known that were taken in the 50s, where the hygiene center was built.

    “I knew it as locals, I remember Chente Nava, who was a fellow radio announcer, who was the manager of the Livestock Association, he was there, there was also the teacher Puerquita who, we called him, was a hairdresser, there was a jewelry store, if I remember correctly it belonged to the Cerro Blanco family, there was also Don Ulises Lau, who later changed to what is now the Gardenia”, said the chronicler.

    At that time, approximately in the 60s, the restaurant La Terraza was built and was run by Mr. Dan Mojica, it was a cafeteria.

    In the 90 a part of the restaurant was dedicated to the State Tourism Office, which was run by Mr. Manuel Nava when Jaime Fernández Harris was in what was not yet the Secretariat of Tourism, but only the Tourism Directorate.

    “The building, I believe, I cannot be sure because I do not have a document in front of me, but it belonged to the municipality from the beginning and was built by Zeferino Gutiérrez, not for the parish, but as a building annexed to the space, even Don Zeferino’s house was behind, in that same block,” he explained.

    “La Terraza was closed because it was, if you look at what is still one of the premises and still inside the terrace, you can see what is the balustrade, then the balusters that are missing there, because they were all removed, you can find them, they are still in the Chorro, in the chapel of the Chorro, those that are missing there were taken to the Chorro”.

    “Yes, there are many properties that strangely enough should not be the heritage of the people of San Miguel, but a municipal property”, concluded the chronicler of the city.