Kid’s First Day Prioritized the Health of Children

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News Category: News and Community News

  • Published May 22, 2024

    With the third annual conference “Kids First” day, the Municipal Presidency continues to prioritize the health of children in San Miguel.

    Achieving great results for the third consecutive year, the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF San Miguel de Allende), attended to more than 160 children in this city, reaching more than 40 successful surgeries.

    Last Sunday at the La Joya hospital, more than 160 children from San Miguel with problems of malformations in their lower trunk or some congenital malformation, were evaluated by a team of foreign doctors led by Dr. Billy Andrews, who performed a specialized surgery completely free of charge to 1 out of every 4 children evaluated.

    In response to the specialized care of « Kids FirstMaría Josefina Ugalde Sierra, from the community of Lomas del Salto, pointed out that these kinds of opportunities have to be taken advantage of, because they improve the quality of life of minors: “It’s a blessing from God (this type of campaign), because these operations are expensive, so here they are giving us the opportunity and support to be completely free. We hope that they will continue to support low-income people as they have done so far, that the doctors will continue to support us, because without this help we would not be able to move forward.”

    Completing what María Josefina said, Mrs. María Cruz Carrera Luna from Palmita de Landeta, stressed that each DIF campaign is an opportunity to attend to minors and get them ahead: “It’s very important, especially for children, so that they learn to fend for themselves and no longer depend so much on us. If they are giving us this opportunity, we should take it, especially for children.”

    For this new annual “Kids First” day, the DIF San Miguel de Allende once again treated valgus foot problems, bone consolidation, hip problems, osteotomy reductions, clubfoot, polydactyly and burn shortening.

    Complementing the operations, the DIF of San Miguel will continue to accompany all the patients operated on in their respective rehabilitation therapies.

    Supporting the most vulnerable children in San Miguel, the Municipal Presidency remains committed to specialized care for the health of children in San Miguel de Allende.

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