If you are one of those who occasionally unload merchandise on public roads, take the following into account
News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion
If you are one of those who occasionally unload merchandise on public streets, either downtown or in any area of the city, the following information should be important, because you should know that for all types of loading and unloading there is an established schedule, there are even some in which you need to get your permit at the Commissariat of Transit and Mobility, you must do so to avoid being fined, as happened to Armando, a citizen who last March 5 in the evening (after 6:00 pm) entered with his vehicle to Jesus Street in the first block, which was downloading some sacks of the earth in the house of a lady who asked him to do it and suddenly, a traffic element arrived and violated him. m.) entered with his vehicle to the street of Jesus in the first block, which was lowering some sacks of the earth in the house of a lady who asked him to do so, and suddenly, a traffic element arrived and violated him, with the justification that he could not enter.
In view of the facts, the affected party indicated that in the area, there is no sign indicating the hours and days when the merchandise can be unloaded, and even less for those who rarely do so, suggesting that the owners of the houses on closed streets be given a permit so that they can enter when they require it.
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This is what you should know before taking action in Transit ?.
ARTICLE 12. – With the purpose of promoting and attending to the orderly vehicular use of public spaces for ordinary, extraordinary, or eventual mobility needs, the Commissariat may authorize certain vehicles that require the use of public roads for supply services, access to pedestrian areas, access to restricted areas established in this ordinance or by signage when this is required to meet the mobility needs in the urban area and that in the judgment of the Commissariat are required, as well as for the access of vehicles that due to excess weight and/or dimensions in transports destined for cargo or passengers.
Get a permit
The permit must indicate the reason, the license plates of the vehicles it identifies, date of issue and expiration, conditions of use. The authority will be able to leave without effect the same one if the dispositions established in the present ordinance and its law are violated. It does not exempt from the responsibility of respecting traffic and mobility regulations.
ARTICLE 88.– The loading and unloading maneuvers on the public streets in the streets destined as pedestrian zones are allowed from 06:00 to 10:00 hours, as well as the loading and unloading maneuvers for cargo vehicles and identified as suppliers, and from 06:00 to 09:00 hours for the delivery of liquefied petroleum gas.
ARTICLE 89.- The loading and unloading maneuvers on public roads shall be regulated by the Police Department based on the characteristics of the city, the intensity of traffic, safety conditions of the users of the public roads, the dimensions, characteristics of vehicles contained in these regulations, and in accordance with the following:
I. Within the zone of historic monuments it is prohibited:
a) Vehicles with a load capacity equal to and greater than 3.5 tons or more of cargo to perform maneuvers during the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
b) For vehicles supplying liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, to carry out delivery and distribution of this product from 09:00 to 16:00 and from 18:00 to 06:00 hours. The routes and conditions shall be established by the Police Station.
c) To vehicles destined for the transportation of construction materials during the hours between 06:00 and 22:00 hours; and, except when they show express authorization from the Police Station.1) Loading and unloading operations are allowed to light vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of fewer than 1,500 kilograms, without time restrictions, and must abide by the provisions of these regulations and the provisions issued by the Police Department, as the case may be.
2) If the area destined for loading and unloading operations on the public road is removed from the supply area or establishment, the driver may use devils, wheelbarrows, or similar for the transportation of the merchandise.
3) It is the driver’s obligation to place danger and loading and unloading maneuver indicators when this operation represents a risk to road users.
4) When it is necessary to close the circulation in any street for this operation, signs must be placed indicating this maneuver and must have the express authorization of the Police Station; and,
5) Situations not provided for in this article shall be known by the Police Department, which shall issue the appropriate decision.II. Within the pedestrian zone of the center of the city it is prohibited:
a) Any vehicle to perform maneuvers during the hours between 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight and from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m.
b) Vehicles supplying liquefied petroleum or natural gas are forbidden to carry out delivery and distribution of this product from 09:00 to 24:00 and from 24:00 to 06:00 hours.
In both cases, the Commissariat will establish the route and particular conditions to which this activity shall be regulated and the same may be limited or suspended for emergency matters and authorized public events.
III. Within the urban area of the city it is prohibited:
a) Obstruct the circulation of vehicles by parking in non-permitted places.
b) Obstruct the free transit of pedestrians on sidewalks and areas intended for pedestrians.
c) Not properly signaling and protecting the maneuvering area.Now that you know, take your precautions and do not be caught unawares, because you will be fined if you do not respect the regulations.
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