Hoteliers are slowly recovering from pandemic
News Category: News and Community News
The hotels in San Miguel de Allende are slowly recovering from the pandemic, even though the authorities have already authorized a 75% occupancy rate, the lodging establishments are registering a maximum of 40%. Due to the organization of some events and the extension of opening hours in restaurants and bars, they are starting to do a little better.
In general the situation has been improving since the long weekend of March 15, since then it has been noticed that there has been a demand for occupancy, obviously Easter Week was not what they expected, what they were used to, but it was part of the beginning of a good streak they have, in which there has been a considerable increase in reservations and in the people who are visiting San Miguel de Allende.
“Without having exact data yet, April probably closed with… close to 40% occupancy in the hotels, maybe not in all of them, but in several,” says the leader of the SMA Hotel Association, Daniel Velazquez.
This is already a sign that they are getting out of the hole, but there is still a long way to go to recover the levels they had in 2019.
The owner of the hotel La Estación indicated that, thanks to the fact that contagions have decreased and that some events are already taking place in the city, is that they are starting to gain something.
“Of course it helps us a lot that the opening hours of restaurants, bars and social events have been extended, because that tends to make people come to have fun and spend some time in San Miguel. I have noticed a little more wedding events, this weekend there is the Otomí event, so it’s like that they are joining together the events of weddings, so it seems that several situations are coming together that are helping us to recover, more than anything to have hope that this is going to be over soon and we are going to be much better than the first two or three months of the year”, very optimistic said the hotel representative of San Miguel de Allende.
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