Allende vs Hidalgo [] The History of San Miguel

News Category: News, Art News, and Community News

  • Why isn’t our hero (and national hero as well), Ignacio Allende not honored as much as Miguel Hidalgo? He is always playing second fiddle to the priest both in writing and appearing in images? Let me explain why he was as important, or more, in the War of Independence and should be treated as such!

    In September I wrote about the events leading to the War of Independence, and named San Miguel the cradle of Independence. One of the readers of my blog called me out and said I was wrong, that the true cradle of independence was the town of Dolores whence came  Miguel Hidalgo. Naturally I disagreed because my loyalty is to the town that is now my home, San Miguel de Allende, but I promised to investigate further and write about it in another article.

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    ¿Por qué nuestro héroe (y héroe nacional también), Ignacio Allende, no es tan honrado como Miguel Hidalgo? ¿Siempre va de segundón al sacerdote tanto en lo escrito como en lo que aparece en imágenes? ¡Déjame explicarte por qué fue tan importante, o más, en la Guerra de la Independencia y debería ser tratado como tal!
