Guanajuato goes to Green Light; massive events and 100% capacity are back… only the virus has not gone away.

News Category: News, Announcements, Community News, COVID 19, and General Discussion

  • Published November 14th, 2021

    The coronavirus contingency is not over, even though Guanajuato is in green on the economic reactivation traffic light.

    As of Monday, November 15, and until November 21, Guanajuato turns green on the economic reactivation traffic light.

    The Secretary of Health, Daniel Diaz Martinez informed that this does not mean that the contingency is over, but that there is still a risk, although it is lower and there may be a setback in the traffic light with winter.

    There is no ZERO RISK because the virus continues to circulate, but if the guard is lowered, especially people with incomplete vaccination plans become more vulnerable.

    The issue of the return to classes is being analyzed with the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato.

    Joel Froylán Salas Navarro, Undersecretary for the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Secretariat of Sustainable Economic Development of the State of Guanajuato, pointed out that the green light for economic reactivation was established taking into account 4 parameters:

    • – new cases
    • – decrease in deaths
    • – ventilators occupied by ARI and
    • – hospital bed capacity throughout the health sector.

    Therefore, it was decided that all the economic sectors will pass to 100% of installed capacity and preparation capacity.

    The invitation is to keep public places sanitized in order to continue reactivating Guanajuato’s economy.

    The traffic light will continue to be updated weekly, as it has been for 19 months.

    The capacity and installed capacity are determined according to the color of the reactivation traffic light, therefore for this green traffic light.

    To strengthen the practices of the learned habits, we all must attend to the recommendations responsibly.

    The State Chief of Epidemiology, Fatima Melchor Marquez insisted that the green traffic light does not replace the prevention measures, that is why all in all must be maintained:

    • – keeping the use of masks as a mandatory basis
    • – keeping a healthy distance
    • – using masks correctly
    • – avoid crowds
    • – prefer outdoor activities
    • – seek well-ventilated spaces
    • – stay at home if you have any sign of respiratory disease,
    • – and seek medical attention as a priority to continue reducing contagions in this early season.