Con “Mi Plaza” modernizamos el comercio popular de San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News and Community News

  • Through the “Mi Plaza” program to strengthen social supply centers, the Ministry of Sustainable Economic Development delivered the fifth stage of the rehabilitation of the San Miguel de Allende municipal market, which consisted of the construction of the roof, with the aim of dignifying trade and boosting the local economy through the modernization of social supply centers.

    Froylan Salas Navarro, Undersecretary for the Development of MSMEs, on behalf of Secretary Mauricio Usabiaga Díaz Barriga, emphasized that with the vision and commitment of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, the State Government promotes commerce with adequate infrastructure to strengthen it and make it the livelihood of the family economy.

    “This type of projects such as “Mi Plaza” and “En Marcha” is the continuity of public policy, it is a program of results, always with a focus on the economy putting people first,” he said.

    With an investment of more than 21 million pesos through the different stages of construction, we have been able to transform the lives of more than 2 thousand merchants and families of San Miguel, as well as dignifying their work, “with this conclusion of the work of the roofs 2, 3 and 5 we make a difference in the commercial sector, providing a safe environment and creating community,” said the Undersecretary.

    The objective of “Mi Plaza” is to attend the State’s supply centers with modernization and infrastructure actions that increase their profitability and promote hygiene, safety, sustainability, operability and comfort for both the merchant and the customer.

    The event was attended by Luis Alberto Villarreal García, Municipal President of San Miguel de Allende, Griselda Velázquez Castillo, General Director of Commerce and Supply, as well as merchants from the region.

    The SDES promotes actions focused on the generation and preservation of more sources of employment by supporting commerce, with the aim of improving the quality of life of families in Guanajuato.