“City on Fire!” [] Joseph Toone
News Category: News and Community News
Published March 25, 2021
Recently someone posted on social media about a fire roaring out of control just outside of centro with no firefighters in sight. I received messages all day asking if Senora O’Leary’s cow had, once again, set a city ablaze.
I reassured pals the city was fine and the fire was a controlled burn, a typical occurrence this time of year following months of no rain. I understand how it can be scary viewing flames if you don’t know what you are seeing. Once I was just beyond Malanquin when a neighboring hill started to burn and I was amazed how fast fire spreads. Plus driving by controlled burns along the highway at night is off-putting.
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Joseph Toone is the Historical Society’s short-story award winning author of the SMA Secrets book series. All books in the series are Amazon bestsellers in Mexican Travel and Holidays. Toone is SMA’s expert and TripAdvisor’s top ranked historical tour guide telling the stories behind what we do in today’s SMA. Visit JosephTooneTours.com, also on FaceBook.
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