Ceramic producers export to European and Asian countries

News Category: News, Community News, and General Discussion

  • Published February 8th, 2022

    Despite the pandemic, Guanajuato’s ceramic workshops managed to overcome the production pause and maintained their exports, some even with plans to open new markets.

    According to Cofoce, the state has 13 municipalities where ceramics are produced, mainly Dolores Hidalgo and San Miguel de Allende.

    The ceramic products reach 14 countries, including the United States, France, Germany, and China.

    Australia and Panama are part of the countries Casher Cerámica plans to reach.

    Currently, 5% of what they produce is exported, mainly to the United States, explained Leticia Castro, the brand’s artisan.

    She said that the workshop has been installed in Tarandacuao for 22 years, the type of craftsmanship is high-temperature stippled pottery.

    Leticia said that one of her uncles learned the technique and that led her to work in this workshop. She explained that they prepare the pastes themselves up to the decoration, a process that can take up to 80 hours of work.

    He said that during the pandemic, production decreased 50% and went from baking twice a week to only once a week.

    Part of their production is for beach destinations such as Los Cabos and Nayarit, which are shipped directly, he said.

    Conquering the Japanese community
    The Japanese community is a consumer of Guanajuato ceramics, emphasized Verónica García, collaborator of Cerámica Servín located in Tarandacuao.

    Of the products they produce, 20% is exported mainly to the United States, she acknowledged that it is little but they are making their way.

    She pointed out that during the pandemic, online sales were the channel to maintain sales since they were stopped for half a year in 2020 and another six months in 2021.

    This pause caused them to lose part of their staff who decided to resign, as they could not wait for orders to come in.

    “There was personnel turnover because they stayed and waited for the orders to be added”.

    He said that production is based on scheduled orders, towards the end of last year sales began to improve, and at the moment they have scheduled orders for May and June of this year with a safe production.

    During the time they were in pause they developed a line of decorative pots with gold paint imported from Germany.

    He specified that the ceramics they make are of low relief, the workshop was founded 40 years ago. A piece can take the work of up to four artisans who are involved in the process.

    Regarding the taste of the Japanese community, the collaborator said that it is a source of pride that the foreign market values national products. She even mentioned that the brand is known among the community on Instagram they usually tag the purchases they make, she said.