Celebration of “El Charco del Ingenio” anniversary in San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News and Community News

  • Published July 11th, 2021

    This weekend the Botanical Garden of San Miguel de Allende, “El Charco del Ingenio”, celebrates its 30th anniversary. For this reason and every year with the presence of the indigenous community, the raising of the Holy Cross will take place in the Plaza de Los Cuatro Vientos. This celebration, compared to previous years, will be held behind closed doors due to the contingency that is still being experienced due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    In an interview with the director of this Botanical Garden, Mario Hernandez, he commented that due to the pandemic and the respect for the acquaintances and relatives who died due to the coronavirus, this celebration for the 30th anniversary will be held with few people and respecting the health indications to avoid contagions.

    “On July 11, there was a total eclipse that could be appreciated in this region of the country, so in the framework of that eclipse the ribbons are cut, and the doors are opened to commemorate each anniversary. The Barrio del Valle del Maíz assumed the commitment of the elaboration of the Xúchil, which will be the structure that will be renewed and will remain for a whole year in the Plaza de Los Cuatro Vientos”. Mario Hernandez explained.

    Previously, in the celebration of this anniversary with the raising of the Xúchil and the popular festival that took place in Casco de Landeta, next to the “Las Colonias” Dam, more than 5,000 people gathered to enjoy food, drinks and dancing to the sound of a huapango.

    “This celebration began in the Charco del Ingenio, with a tour to deposit canes made with spoon as an offering in different calvaries, concluding as the last point in Landeta Park. We hope that next year we will be able to carry it out in all its splendor. And we will be celebrating life, that we have the opportunity to be here and to have reflected on how fragile life is and the importance of union and integrity as Sanmiguelense people. The director of Charco del Ingenio concluded.