A Hospice Center for San Miguel de Allende
News Category: News and Community News
Published December 12, 2024
By Natalie Taylor
It is something to celebrate when an idea, a figment of imagination—turns into reality. It is even more so when the realization of such an idea means convincing many individuals, particularly bureaucrats, that this is worthy of support. Even more commendable it is when it happens in our own backyard: San Miguel de Allende! On October 28th, donors and supporters were offered the first look at the Hospice Care Mitigare Lee Carter Center—the first such center in San Miguel, the first in Mexico, and the first successful collaboration between a group of expats, local Sanmiguelenses, and the city government to create a place that will serve the entire community. It is the fulfillment of an 18-year dream of Lee Carter, its founder.
Mitigare is a nonprofit organization of professionals specialized in caring for people who have a life-limiting illness. We address the patient’s needs – physical, emotional, social and spiritual – as well as the needs of the whole family. We help maximize quality of life and assist the patients make decisions about how and where they want to spend the rest of their lives.
Mitigare will provide for the well-being of the patient and his family throughout the illness. We will offer complete assessment and attention to provide integrated hospice care.
It is our mission to increase knowledge and capacity in hospice care throughout the Health sector in Mexico
Mitigare will be leaders in hospice care services in the region providing all persons with integrated hospice care without regard to race, creed or capacity to pay.
We will promote the expansion of hospice and palliative care in Mexico
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