320,000 pesos allocated for “Stimulus to Excellence” scholarships in San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Published June 7th, 2022

    Reinforcing its commitment to education, the Municipal Government of San Miguel allocates $320 thousand pesos to double the “Stimulus to Excellence” academic scholarships.

    This Municipal Administration doubled municipal resources to motivate twice the number of beneficiary students, impacting 80 young San Miguel residents for their school performance, by achieving a grade point average of 9.5 or higher.

    Moving from words to deeds, this Municipal Government has made an important investment in favor of education; in this sense, not only the number of beneficiaries was doubled, but also $320 thousand pesos of purely municipal resources were allocated to motivate the young Sanmiguelenses, who are receiving 2 thousand pesos per semester, starting this day with the first delivery and the second will be received next December.

    The award ceremony was held at the Ángela Peralta Theater by the Municipal Institute for Youth Attention (Imajsma) and was headed by trustee Faviola Correa, who highlighted the importance of keeping young people in school so that they can become good citizens.

    “This Municipal Government headed by Mr. Mauricio Trejo Pureco saw that it was necessary to increase resources and, therefore, increase the number of beneficiaries of these scholarships of excellence; in this way, we seek to strengthen school permanence. We are attending to education as a priority,” said Correa González.

    She also made a public recognition of the parents, since they are a fundamental part so that education in San Miguel improves in each family generation.

    “(I congratulate) the parents who, in some way, are always the support and pillar for these kids to be able to have a performance that they have achieved so far”, expressed Faviola Correa.

    Student Jorge Humberto Quintero mentioned “I would like to thank the current (Municipal) Presidency for all the support they have given us. For several years we have had scholarship support, but as they say, now it has doubled. Thank you very much to the Presidency for giving us the scholarship support”.

    With this type of action, the Municipality addresses school dropout, since it is a worldwide problem as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic that has also impacted the Sanmiguelense territory.

    Thus, these 80 students of excellence, both in secondary and high school, received their recognition personally from the municipal authorities, with several visibly excited parents as witnesses.