100,000 plants in 100 days” campaign begins in San Miguel de Allende
News Category: News and Community News
The care of the environment continues to improve with the progress of the reforestation of San Miguel de Allende Greener Every Day, carried out by the Municipal Government, now starting a campaign of 100 thousand plants in 100 days.
So far, with the start of the new urban forest being planted at the CECyTE San Miguel de Allende, this municipal campaign to reforest 100 thousand plants in 100 days will reach 15% of its goal; that is, 3 thousand plants will be planted in this place and will reach 15 thousand in San Miguel de Allende’s territory.
In front of the educational community of CECyTE, the Direction of Environment and Sustainability made the public commitment of inclusion assumed by students, teachers, directors, and parents, all with the support of the Municipality.
“100,000 plants are the accumulation of three (municipal) administrations together. No one had ever done it before and we are going to do it in 100 days. That is the legacy, that is the legacy we want to leave San Miguel de Allende, real care for the environment, a real concern for the planet,” said the Director of Environment and Sustainability, Alejandro Castro.
This municipal reforestation and environmental awareness campaign is taking advantage of the water lily extracted from the Allende dam since it is a natural fertilizer enriched in nitrogen.
“The watershed is sick, the watershed has cancer and the lily is a symptom. We are going to use 150 cubic meters of dried lirio, it has important nutrients that are going to help our urban forest; also, as it is 90% water, it is going to help infiltration into the subsoil, they are also going to stop evaporation,” Castro López added.
San Miguel Más Verde Cada Día began in May and will last until August since it will take advantage of the rainy season for the growth of the trees and their natural preservation; in addition, it will have the care of the direct beneficiaries, as in this case the high school students, mainly the so-called Environmental Guards.
For her part, the director of CECyTE, Andrea Vargas, reaffirmed the importance of this municipal reforestation campaign, noting that “more than 900 students, with their respective parents and more than 100 people who are here, including teachers and administrators of the campus, are taking this responsibility. We are dying of heat. If we consolidate our urban forest, the young people will have a place to take shelter. They have to know the value and the cost of maintaining a tree.”
Every afforestation and reforestation in San Miguel de Allende’s territory will help mitigate the effects of climate change, such as deforestation caused by the heat, such as the “despalme” commonly known as “drought”, as well as the ecological damage caused by the overexploitation of water in the Lerma-Chapala basin or the excessive growth of urban housing subdivisions; these efforts of the current Municipality with its people are to add “green points” that generate more oxygen and, therefore, a healthier environment.
During the start of San Miguel de Allende Más Verde Cada Día at the CECyTE, the directors of Citizen Attention, Tours and Support, Romina Joanna Hernández and Culture and Traditions, Acacio Martínez, were also present.
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