“He disappeared during his wake!” [] Stories of San Miguel

News Category: News and Art News

  • Published October 30, 2024

    by Natalie Taylor

    On a cold, windy night of November in 1901, in a house on Hospicio, Don Francisco exhaled his last breath. He was not a religious man, and on his deathbed had refused to accept God in spite of his wife and children begging him to do so. When he was laid in his coffin and his friends and family gathered for his wake, some strange events took place…and then the legend began…

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    HISTORIAS DE SAN MIGUEL “¡Desapareció durante el velorio!”

    En una fría y ventosa noche de noviembre de 1901, en una casa de Hospicio, Don Francisco exhaló su último aliento. No era un hombre religioso y en su lecho de muerte se había negado a aceptar a Dios a pesar de las súplicas de su esposa e hijos. Cuando fue colocado en su ataúd y sus amigos y familiares se reunieron para su velorio, ocurrieron algunos eventos extraños… y luego comenzó la leyenda…