Nicolás Cuéllar Exhibition Opens [] Teatro Angela Peralta

News Category: News, Announcements, and Art News

  • Published February 14, 2022

    The artist Nicolás Cuéllar returns to SMA with his exhibition “Amores y amantes”

    Cuéllar finally returns in February with the exhibition,” Love and Lovers”, where the teacher builds a dialogue from his acute surrealist-expressionis perspective around love., so he weaves some of paths, which have led humanity to create, transform and make the world where we live better, but also in its name, excesses have been committed that degrade the human condition.

    Extraordinary works are exhibited, some of them little or never presented such as “Motherhood and the struggle for life”, or “Romance” or “Offering of hearts”

    There will also be very strong, cruel Works and others that will créate controversy such as “Women á la carte”, or “Love XXI Century”, where Nicolas is relentless and makes it clear that they are a reality that sometimes society avoids looking at them.

    Mystical or scientifically inspired love is lso presented as in “My farewell with the Virgin” or “Hypatia”.

    It will be an adventure to the magical, beautiful and shocking dimensión of Cuéllar.

    This exhibition is presented by the municipal government of SMA and Cuéllar Gallery.

    Place: Angela Peralta Theather. February 114 to March 1 2022, 10 am to 4 pm