Karen Lee Dunn captures the light of the streets [] Galeria San Francisco and Ongoing Art Workshops

News Category: News and Art News

  • Published July 16, 2021

    Karen Lee Dunn has lived and worked in San Miguel de Allende since 2007. She studied for years with master oil painter Donna Dickson, a well-known artist of San Miguel who taught and exhibited in the city for years, before moving to Puerto Vallarta. Karen was one of the original artists represented by Galeria San Francisco, when it first opened in 2015 in its Centro location, near the Parroquia, above the Jardin. When the gallery later moved to the Fabrica Aurora, Karen continued to be represented by the gallery in its new location. With each year, her work becomes more and more popular and can be found in collections in both the United States and Mexico.

    Karen can often be spotted, camera in hand, either in the early morning or late afternoon, trying to catch the perfect light shining on her magical town and its people.

    Her paintings are representational street scenes, as well as portraits of the Mexican people in their natural surroundings. She has the unique ability to capture the beautiful and magical light of San Miguel and each of her paintings are real treasures.

    Please stop by Galeria San Francisco to see more of Karen’s work on display.

    Click here to visit our website

    Susan Santiago, an artist and owner of the Galeria San Francisco, always had a dream of moving to San Miguel de Allende and opening a gallery, where she would showcase her work, as well the work of fellow artists living in San Miguel. The gallery is committed to promoting talented artists, who live in San Miguel de Allende, as well offering an educational experience in the arts. The gallery offers a large variety of art classes throughout the year, taught by experienced teachers, and working artists, all of whom show their work in the gallery.

    Click for workshop details

    Susan Santiago ACRYLIC PAINTING artistinsanmiguel@gmail.com www.galeriasanfrancisco.com Emmanuel Sierra OIL PAINTING lesc8906@gmail.com Linda Whynman WATERCOLOR vellum1@mac.com www.whynmanarts.org JANE DILL janedilldesign@gmail.com www.janedill.com/