Warren Hardy Spanish – Classes & New Location

News Category: News and Announcements

  • Queridos estudiantes y amigos,

    ¡Bienvenidos! We are thrilled to announce that after one and 3/4 years, Warren Hardy Spanish is reopening! The calendar of courses for Jan-March 2022 is posted on our website under SCHOOL. Scroll down and you will see “Calendar of Course”. Enroll now as classes are filling up. Once a course is full I will delete it from the calendar.


    We are happy to announce our new location at our home in Colonia Santa Julia. Many of you know the location as you have been to our Class Parties! We are in front of CASA, the Midwifery Center with the big dome. Taxi’s know right where we are located.

    Click to see Google map: Alba 6, Providencia, 37737 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

    We have 2 acres of beautiful grounds with trees, waterfalls, ponds and turtles and a wonderful view of the city. We are a 10 minute taxi ride from the jardin centro. We can create taxi pools on the first day of class for those who live near each other. We have plenty of parking on the grounds. Many students walk up and/or back to town. Once we have the classrooms set up we will post photos so you can see where you will be studying.


    We look forward to creating a Spanish Club type of environment with an after class luncheon and Spanish conversation flow. Warren will give complimentary 20 minute Hatha Yoga Sun Salutation classes on Monday and Tuesday. Please bring your own Yoga mat. Twice a week after class we will offer guacamole, chips and salsa, cerveza and aguas frias for a minimal charge. Let’s hang out and enjoy each others company and speak Spanish!! We will also have our famous class parties for each session.


    Any day of the week we invite you to bring your packed lunch and enjoy it after class under the shade trees, perhaps speaking español with your partner, or getting a head start on your homework and enjoying the view of the city before wandering back to town. We have a weight room if you feel like pumping some iron after class! Nuestra Casa es Su Casa, as we say in Mexico!


    We have our dedicated team of teachers still with us! Patricia in Level 1, Rocio in Level 2, Storytelling and Communication Skills and Antonieta teaching Levels 3 and 4 and 9 Tense Integration. These three wonderful teachers have been with WHS for over 25 years. Veronica and Etienne are the facilitators helping you along as you work with your partner. They have both been with WHS for over 8 years.


    All students must show proof of vaccination upon registering and bring their certificate on the first day of class. All WHS staff will be vaccinated. Send Tuli a photo of your Covid vaccination certificate when you register. We will take your temperature daily before entering the grounds.

    An $80USD non refundable deposit will be required to guarantee your place in class upon registration. This will be applied to your tuition.


    We will take up to 16 students per Level due to our partnered methodology where we work within 1 meter of our partner. Storytelling will have up to 8 students. Communication Skills up to 10 students. We play the time exercises and are working constantly so we need to be very safe in the classroom. If you feel more comfortable you can wear a facial shield during class and at the break. The classroom will be cleaned after every class and we will take all sanitary measures to provide a safe environment. All of our classrooms are well ventilated. We take great pride in our school and want to make sure our students and staff are in a safe environment.

    Our entire team is excited to start classes again. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
    Happy Holidays – Felices Fiestas
    Warren and Tuli and the WHS Staff


    If you are not able to join us for the onsite classes we would like to offer you the Webtutors at a Special discount off $99 for each level. The Webtutors are a great tool for pre or post study. Each level sold separately.

    Offer valid through Dec 31, 2021