October Writing Workshops [] San Miguel Literary Sala

News Category: News, Announcements, and Community News

  • San Miguel Literary Sala Presents


    David Ramsey

    The Divine Details: the key ingredient in creative nonfiction

    David Dykes

    The World Wants to Make You a Better Writer

    Tom Coash

    “To Be or Not To Be”The Art of Writing Compelling Monologues

    Susan Meyers

    Jumpstart Your Story: Building Energy from Beginning to End

    October 18-21

    3:00–4:30 and 5:30–7:00 p.m. CDT

    $80 USD

    (Packages and Discounts Available)


    Laura Davis

    Memoir: How to Create Unforgettably Vivid Moments Your Readers Will Never Forget

    Oct 30

     10 a.m.–1 p.m., 3-6 p.m.

    Build Your Writing Skills in October
    by Joy Sablatura


    Four fun skill-building workshops and a master class offered by the San Miguel Literary Sala will be presented online in October and each instructor has something to say about their workshops:


    The Divine Details: the key ingredient in creative nonfiction with David Ramsey: “Caress the details,” Nabokov, rolling his r’s, told his students at Cornell, “the divine details.” Details are the raw materials that build a piece of writing—the spackle and grease that make our language, narratives, and ideas distinctive and true. In this workshop, we’ll examine how to seek and craft details in creative nonfiction. We will investigate details not as a piece’s adornments but as its engine, establishing and revealing character, theme, structure, setting, and scene. Oct. 18 & 20, 3:00–4:30 p.m. CDT.


    The World Wants to Make You a Better Writer with David Dykes: No matter what genre or setting your story takes place in, the best fiction utilizes all the lessons the world is serving up daily. Learn to use the sensory details and the patterns of revelation in your own life to make your fiction more vivid, compelling and coherent. Oct. 18 & 20, 5:30.7:00 p.m. CDT.


    “To Be or Not To Be”The Art of Writing Compelling Monologues with Tom Coash: Monologues are booming in popularity, particularly in this time of Zoom performances. Going it alone can be both a joy and a challenge. Monologue skills, such as character development, convincing dialogue, and strong motives, are also valuable to those writing in other genres. Well-written monologues are ideal crossover pieces, working not only on the stage and Zoom but also on the page as fiction, poetry, CNF, and much more. Join us and give your characters a solo moment to shine! Oct. 19 & 21, 3:00–4:30 p.m. CDT.


    Jumpstart Your Story: Building Energy from Beginning to End with Susan Meyers: Where does the energy for a story really come from? And how can you keep it going, once you’ve started? This intensive is designed to help you get started—or to recharge—the story you want to tell, whether novel or memoir. We’ll explore the shapes of stories and the narrative tools that make them work. By delving into less frequently studied narrative devices (e.g. momentum, shaping, time, information release) you’ll learn how to shape your own story from beginning to end. Oct. 19 & 21, 5:30–7:00 p.m. CDT.


    6-Hour Master Class – Memoir: How to Create Unforgettably Vivid Moments Your Readers Will Never Forget with Laura Davis. Oct 30, 10 a.m.–1 p.m., 3-6 p.m.



    The instructors have published in a wide variety of prestigious journals, magazines, and books and have won many awards. For more information on these workshops and the instructors, and to register, go to sanmiguelliterarysala.org.