“Murder on Aldama”

  • murder

Event Category: All Events, Community Events, Social Events, and Food & Drink

  • Asensinato (murder) on Aldama

    A fine dining experience with a twist of murder

    Imagine…. You live in San Miguel Grande in 1730. You are invited to a dinner party of a social climbing family who has just been gifted a 1624 house on Calle Aldama. Senora Marisol Montoyas and her daughter are giving the dinner party. They hope to introduce themselves into the elite society already established in the town. They have been gifted the home by King Charles of Spain for “favors” in obtaining valuable Mexican assets.

    One of the guests, Diego de la Vaga is late to the party. Soon the 8 guests find out why. Each of them has known Diego in a different way. As they are served an elegant 3 course dinner they exchange information on Diego and each other.

    Sound like fun…. Murder , although not easily associated with fun , in this case makes for uproarious laughter and mystery. Each guest plays their part to the max and the improvisation is astounding. Guest is provided just enough information to contribute to the mounting intrigue. The mystery unfolds and friendships are definitely blooming. To be “invited” to this party one only has to purchase a ticket. Then will then receive information on everything they need to know. Tickets are available by Whatsapp. 4151130364 and are 1000 pesos. Includes the authentic 1730 dinner , wine, authentic 1624 home ( 34 Aldama) in Centro and game participation…. YOU look the part and become the character.

    Purposely set on FRIDAY the 13th of September …. A very creepy date.

    Your hostess Mariosa y Christy Kabanni


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