Pre-Christmas Sale | Ezshwan Winding & Cynthia Hamilton
Event Category: Artistic Events and Shopping/Mercados
I strive to make art that touches people’s hearts, either abstract or figurative and has spiritual meaning for me. Through my art, I hope to connect with others with beauty of harmony, color, form and energy. I have been a working artist for 60 years and painting is still my passion.
Campanario 28, Los Frailes.Directions to house/gallery/ studio: Pass through the entrance arch of Los Frailes. turn left on La Condesa, turn right on Principal de Los Frailes, left on Del Angel, right on Principal de Los Frailes, (continue on this street that doesn’t run straight) ,to Del Posito take a short left, back on Principal de Los Frailes, left on Los Donceles, back on Principal de Los Frailes to Campanario, turn right, continue to end of street jog left to the continuation of Campanario.