Galeria DeSeñas open every Friday [] EEESMA School for the Deaf

Event Category: All Events, Community Events, Charity Events, and Shopping/MercadosEvent Tags: deaf, education, hearing, and special needs

  • EEESMA School for the Deaf invites you to explore Galería DeSeñas at Calle Canal 152 between Calle San Pedro and Puente Guanajuato Fridays from 11 am to 2 pm throughout the school year.

    There you will find exquisite designs in jewelry making, fabric arts and woodworking created by the students in their job-preparedness workshops. For a modest suggested donation, you can take home a stunning treasure for yourself, your home or as a gift for a lucky friend. In doing so, you will be helping deaf students to become literate, independent and productive citizens who set and achieve life goals.

    EEESMA School for the Deaf has been in operation since 2012, serving the Deaf community and their families in and around San Miguel. There is no government support and so the school must rely entirely on grants and fundraising to ensure that deaf children are provided the same education and opportunities as their hearing counterparts. In addition to receiving academic and job skills training, students are paid for the items they create. Upon graduation, they will have earned their high school diploma, experience in an employable skill, a portfolio of their creations and a nest egg to help launch them into their future endeavors. Students who choose to attend university are supported financially throughout that process as well.

    For a truly unique shopping experience and the chance to invest in the future of the deserving deaf children in our community, please visit us at Galería DeSeñas at Canal 152 between Calle San Pedro and Puente Guanajuato Fridays from 11 am to 2 pm throughout the school year.

    Our mission is to ensure that all San Miguel de Allende children who are Deaf become literate, independent, and productive citizens who set and achieve life goals. San Miguel School for Special Education, or Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende, will accomplish this mission through:

    > Forging partnerships with families, other “like” schools , and government and non-government organizations;

    > Providing leadership, advocacy, and educational expertise that advances a continuum of educational options that honor individual children’s needs and are based upon a comprehensive, whole-child assessment;

    > Dedication to proven best educational practices in language and communication access and the bi-lingual utilization of Mexican Sign Language and Spanish;

    > Establishing and maintaining high expectations for all students through an accessible, engaging, standards-based curriculum that promotes social, vocational, and post-primary school success and utilizes state-of-the-art technology, when available;

    > Respect for diversity in socioeconomic status, cultures and perspectives of families and students;

    > Encouraging and supporting students choices and self-determination to ensure their post-secondary experiences are successful.