UUFSMA: “The Gathering Storm”
Event Category: Religous/Spiritual
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Online Service
“The Gathering Storm”Speakers: Rev. Jurgen Ahlers and Rev. Mark Johaningsmeir
Sunday, May 24, 2020
10:30 amZoom link: https://zoom.us/j/414604040
Password: 294513
By Joseph Plummer
UUF Secretary
In this Sunday’s UUFSMA service, two retired ministers converse with each other about several crises unfolding in the world and, as a team, suggest responses to strengthen personal and communal resistance to a dystopian future.
In its individual elements, the storm that Rev. Jurgen Ahlers and Rev. Mark Johaningsmeir see gathering will be familiar to their audience. Millions of people already experience the warming of planet Earth, and its foreboding acceleration generates news reports almost every day. With less notice than in the past, a corporate stranglehold on timely information now limits public exposure to unbiased, science-based information about issues affecting health and security. Political leaders and partisan intellectuals ignore the deadly consequences of recent decades of neo-liberal policymaking on human, animal and plant life. Decades of concentration of global wealth in the pockets of fewer owners result in shrinking economic benefits for more and more workers. This we know about too.
These global trends find mirrors in millions of refugees who are made homeless by war, famine, social violence, massive shocks of unemployment, and natural disasters. Emphasizing the necessity of hope, Rev. Ahlers and Rev. Johanigsmeir will reflect upon the synergy of these crises gathering together in their effects on humanity.
Both of this Sunday’s presenters are UUFSMA members, retired, and living in San Miguel. Rev. Ahlers was ordained in the United Presbyterian Church and Rev. Johaningsmeir in the United Methodist Church. After years of experience in the pulpit, Rev. Ahlers also served as an advisor to executives in the Ritz-Carlton Company and other multinational corporations. He has lived in San Miguel since 2018.
Rev. Johaningsmeir led congregations in Minnesota and Colorado and is known for his work with individuals and their families in the final months of a loved one’s life. A full-time resident here, Rev. Johaningsmeir moved to San Miguel in 2011.
To participate in our online Sunday Service, visit the Fellowship’s website at www.uufsma.org and click on the Zoom Service button displayed on the home page. If requested, enter password: 294513. Sign-in between 10:15-10:25 am.
Through grants and awards, UUFSMA donates fifty percent of all income it receives to support nonprofit organizations that provide health, educational, and environmental services for underserved communities in the San Miguel region. Please support this work by clicking on the home page’s Donate button. Now more than ever, your support is essential.
Due to the arrival of the coronavirus in San Miguel de Allende, UUFSMA has indefinitely suspended in person Sunday services and other gatherings. We advise members and friends to follow the advice of reputable public health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control, and to contact our Affiliate Minister or Care Team for needed assistance. The UU Fellowship welcomes people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Our fellowship was born in 1987 when a small group of expatriate religious liberals came together to meet as Unitarian Universalists in San Miguel de Allende. The fellowship has been active and thriving ever since. Every UU church has it’s own flavor, and we are no exception. We are a combination of expats and visitors, each actively engaged and contributing to this wonderful Mexican community we love. Because there is a coming, going, and returning aspect, our spiritual community is extremely fluid. There is a magic in San Miguel which draws us in and binds us together—both as members of the church and of the larger community. Our programming is led by visiting ministers, community leaders, and church members, so the variety is lively. We have opportunities to meet as UU’s each week at discussion groups, breakfasts, luncheons, and in various other ways. Depending on the season, attendance fluctuates between 40 and 140. Our primary focus is on funding social action within the surrounding community. We love good music, good discussion, good food, and having visitors. We invite you to join us any Sunday morning.
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