Salon International: Liah Alonso, Jann Klose, Regugio Sur

  • liah-klose

Event Category: All Events, Entertainment, and Musical Events

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    Please save the date for a fabulous evening of entertainment and live music Saturday August 5th, 6PM at Salon Internacional! I will be performing a set of original songs in Spanish, English and French on piano and guitar and presenting my friend Singer-songwriter Jann Klose (Germany/South African/New Yorker) to our San Miguel community! To close out the night with Dance and the delight, we have a San Miguel favorite, Refugio Sur!

    Have your great questions revealed with our tarot card, reader, and mystic Cristo Rey!

    Tickets limited to 50 for a convivial, intimate atmosphere and deeper convos in this elegant, intimate venue just a few minutes from town. Guests will receive Venue location and travel instructions upon ticket purchase:)

    Love you mucho ~  ????????????????
    Liah’s Casa Que Canta, 37898

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