Richard Dowling, piano [] Pro Musica: San Miguel de Allende
Event Category: Musical Events
Richard Dowling, piano…Saturday, July 24, 2021
5:00 pm…St. Paul’s…
I am delighted to be able to tell you that we have now received permission from the Municipality to recommence concerts indoors at St. Paul’s Church. Numbers will be strictly limited, with socially distanced seating. Accordingly, we will go ahead with a full season of concerts, opera and other events commencing in October this year and running thru March, 2022. There will be, as usual, one concert each month in October, November and December and from January onwards two concerts every week. I will be circulating full details of the season next month.
As a taster for what is to come, we will be staging a short summer season of classical music with three concerts spread out over July and August. This summer season will open on Saturday, July 24th at 5 pm in St. Paul’s church with an all classical piano recital by one of your favorite artists, Richard Dowling. The program will include works by Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Schubert and much more. See the poster below for full details.
With the limited seating there may well be more people who want to attend this concert than we are allowed to accommodate. Accordingly, there will be a priority advance booking period from June 26 to July 7 during which Patron Members who book either on line via our web site, or by replying to this email, will be guaranteed tickets. I urge you to book your tickets as soon as possible so as not to miss out on our first ever summer concert. If you have any unused free members’ tickets remaining from your 20\21 season allocation you can, of course, use these for the summer concerts.
If you have not renewed your Membership for the forthcoming season, now is a good time to do it, either by going to our website and paying by credit card on PayPal, or by sending a check to our Box 59B at La Conexion, Aldama 3.
Yours sincerely, Michael Pearl, President, Pro Musica
Our Patrons’ and Members’ are the lifeblood of Pro Musica. Subscribe from as little as US$100 a year and make our world class season of concerts and opera possible, as well as funding our extensive education outreach programs. In return we provide benefits for you which are second to none. These include an Artists Supper/Cocktail after nearly every concert and, starting at US$500 per season, you have reserved and named seats for every concert. With the ever increasing costs of artists fees, and to provide an efficient customer service process, we need new members, and existing members to upgrade, to maintain the quality of our concerts and the concert going experience.