I’m Back! Rossana Conte [] Teatro Santa Ana at La Biblioteca
Event Category: La Biblioteca and Musical Events
Thursday, October 28, 2021
6:00 pm
Original songs by Mexican singer-songwriter Rossana Conte
Rossana Conte has dedicated most of her life to music. He plays guitar, composes songs and sings since he was 12 years old. He has a collection of children’s songs, religious songs and songs of love and life, all of his authorship.
The common thread of this concert is the reflection on life and love; which means the passage of time and the possibility of recovering the dreams of youth, to continue creating, growing and thus reinventing ourselves.
The songs are ballads almost all, but there are some with rhythms of Cuban son, blues or light rock, with accompaniment of an excellent group of musicians:
Guitar and musical direction: Miguel Ángel Barquet
Bass: Bill Kavanagh
Percussion: Israel Chávez
Keyboard: Carlos Vargas
Violin: Katy Chan
Date and time of the concert: Thursday, October 28, 2020, 6 p.m.
Place: Teatro Santa Ana de La Biblioteca Pública, in San Miguel de Allende.
Price: $250 or voluntary contribution.
Canciones originales de la cantautora mexicana Rossana Conte
Rossana Conte ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida a la música. Toca guitarra, compone canciones y canta desde los 12 años de edad. Tiene una colección de canciones infantiles, cantos religiosos y canciones de amor y vida, todos de su autoría.
El hilo conductor de este concierto es la reflexión sobre la vida y el amor; lo que significa el paso del tiempo y la posibilidad de recuperar los sueños de juventud, para seguir creando, creciendo y así reinventarnos.
Los temas son baladas casi todos, pero hay algunos con ritmos de son cubano, blues o rock ligero, con acompañamiento de un excelente grupo de músicos:
Guitarra y dirección musical: Miguel Ángel Barquet
Bajo: Bill Kavanagh
Percusión: Israel Chávez
Teclado: Carlos Vargas
Violín: Katy Chan
Fecha y hora del concierto: Jueves 28 de octubre de 2020, 18 horas.
Lugar: Teatro Santa Ana de La Biblioteca Pública, en San Miguel de Allende.
Precio: $250 o aportación voluntaria.
The Teatro Santa Ana is an intimate 91-seat theater, located inside the Biblioteca Publica. For over 20 years, the Teatro Santa Ana has been a premiere venue for theatrical productions, musical concerts, films and conferences in Centro historico San Miguel de Allende.